Nostradamus (1503 – 1566), was known as a French prophet, who predicted a large number of prophecies, and then published them in a world’s reputable book, with the name “The Prophecies or Les Propheties.”
The initial edition of this mentioned book had become well-known about 11 years before he passed away. After that, Nostradamus and his book have achieved a lot of followers who have believed that he had foretold numerous events around the world exactly before they truly occurred.
The Year of the Dragon 2024 is the year that favours discipline and obedience, hard work and perseverance. No success is likely to occur unless these main criteria are met. An ideal year for routine, for maintaining the status quo of the previous year. Those with a big front will have to settle for a much smaller one, or simply stay put, while others will have to work for what they can get.
It is a year that will only bring events for those who want to break out of the patterns and rules of those in charge. Of course, all this will have very little chance of success especially as the immense and hidden power of the Dragon is good for order and discipline.
1. A dangerous virus, also called “zombie virus”, will be released from Siberian glaciers in 2024
In the year 2024, in Siberia, researchers will discover a dangerous virus, more than 40,000 years old, that when released into the world will kill many people.
Bacteria from the virus will slowly release into ocean water as glaciers melt due to global warming.
2. A great calamity – a big Earthquake in 2024
In 2024 Japan will be shaken by a 12.0 earthquake / About 20,000 people will be missing.
A 12 Richter-magnitude earthquake has struck off the coast of north-eastern Japan, followed by a tsunami that will wreak havoc, engulfing hundreds of homes and killing hundreds of people.
3. World Economy Collapse in 2024
It appears that all human’s fortunes have been gone since the rich could die several times over, following Nostradamus predictions. In other words, the global economy here has been on the edge of failure in 2024. There will be no amazement here when the USA is trying to push the envelope with the rising the debt ceiling.
4. Massive Eruption on Mount Etna, Italy
This is on one massive eruption taking place on Mount Etna in the close future. It’s going to be very major for real. It can really happen in late 2024 or in the early of the following year. According to him, it’s seen to be the worst one since 79 AD or 1631 AD when two worst events happened in history and had the similar base timeline. If it really happens in the daylight, then it can turn any affected area into the heavy darkness.
5. Human World Gets Scorch by Radiation, after World War 3
Following his prediction, all fields will start to get burned by the heat of the radiation. For so many people, we know that this is actually a warning that the rain forest destruction can direct to one hole in the ozone layer.
6.Humans could live between 150 and 170 years before the body completely loses its ability to recover
Beyond this “absolute limit” of lifespan, humans could only get there with the help of science, if methods are developed to increase the body’s resilience, whether through therapies, cellular reprogramming or mechanical organs.